Shipping policy

Order Processing and Delivery

Typically, after receiving your order information, we will process the order within 24 hours and provide feedback regarding payment and delivery details. Delivery time is usually between 3-5 days from the date the order is finalized, or as agreed upon with the customer when placing the order. However, there may be cases where delivery is delayed due to unavoidable circumstances such as:

  • Our staff is unable to contact the customer by phone, preventing the delivery.
  • The delivery address provided is incorrect or difficult to locate.
  • A sudden increase in order volume delays order processing.
  • The supplier delivers the goods later than expected, causing a delay in delivery, or the shipping partner encounters delays in delivering the goods.

Regarding shipping fees, we use external shipping services, so the shipping cost will be calculated based on the rates of these services, depending on the location and weight of the order. When we contact the customer to confirm the order, we will provide the specific shipping fee.

For customers in other provinces who wish to purchase in large quantities or wholesale, if you need to buy products, we will use the delivery services of transportation companies. The shipping cost will be based on the rates of these service providers or according to the terms of the contract between the two parties.

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